Indian cinema's iconic voice, legendary Lata Mangeshkar has been awarded ‘Swara Mauli’ title by spiritual guru Vidya Narsimha Bharati Swami. On 12th May, the prodigious singer received the honour at her residence in Prabhu Kunj in Mumbai, in the presence of her sisters Asha Bhosle, Usha Mangeshkar and brother Hridaynath Mangeshkar.
After receiving the award, the veteran singer, whose career spans across six decades, expressed her happiness, saying, "And the fact that my name came to Jagatguru Shankaracharya's mind for the honour and his coming to honour me personally makes me feel very blessed. It is not something that you receive every day and I am truly grateful to him for this blessing."
The Melody Queen added that every award that she received is very special for her. "Every award is special for me because people have given me award out of love and respect for my work."
Mangeshkar, who has lent her magical voice to every leading lady of last six decades, has been the recipient of the Bharat Ratna, Padma Bhushan, Dadasaheb Phalke Award, among several other awards.
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