One of the most popular Bollywood actresses, Madhuri Dixit, who has been entertaining audiences for close to three decades now, is returning to the small screen to judge a dance-based show. The seasoned actress was last seen on television as a co-judge on the &TV dance series, So You Think You Can Dance. Titled Dance Deewane, her new show will beam on Colors.
As of now, Madhuri is the only celebrity who has been finalized for the show. The channel is now looking for a filmmaker and a choreographer who could join Dixit as co-judges. Once all judges are finalized, the makers will start rolling.
According to a source, auditions will commence from 3rd May. “The selected contestants will be divided into three categories — under-13, under-35, and 35 and above. The three best contestants in each category will compete for the winner’s title," reveals the source.
We are awaiting an official announcement from the channel.
Meanwhile, talking about Dixit's other projects, the actress will shortly be seen in the forthcoming Marathi film Bucket List. Her upcoming Bollywood projects include Total Dhamaal and Kalank.