Legendary Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan has tested positive for Coronavirus. He has been admitted to Nanavati Hospital in Mumbai, India. All his family and staff members have also undergone tests. Their results are still awaited.
Senior Bachchan took to social media to share the news. “I have tested COVID positive, shifted to hospital. Hospital informing authorities. Family and staff undergone tests, results awaited. All that have been in close proximity to me in the last 10 days are requested to please get themselves tested!” read his tweet.
Amitabh Bachchan was most recently seen in acclaimed filmmaker Shoojit Sircar’s dramedy Gulabo Sitabo (2020) alongside Ayushmann Khurrana. Initially slated to release in theatres, the film had a direct-to-digital premiere on Amazon Prime Video as theatres across the country remain shuttered in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic.
His forthcoming projects include Jhund, Chehre, and Brahmastra.