After the success of her last film Talvar, which was based on the grisly Aarushi-Hemraj double murder case, filmmaker Meghna Gulzar is coming up with her next directorial offering, Raazi. Based on the well-received novel Calling Sehmat by Harinder Sikka, the movie stars Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal in lead roles. The trailer of the film was released a couple of days ago, which received an extremely positive response from the audience with everyone praising the casting of the film in particular.
When Meghna was asked about how did she come out roping in Alia and Vicky Kaushal in the roles of Sehmat and Iqbal respectively, she said, "I wanted to cast actors who could deliver a certain level of performance and both Alia and Vicky are extremely talented actors.”
Talking about Alia and Vicky, she said, “The character of Sehmat is a 20-year-old innocent girl and Alia’s physicality was perfect. She also had the required vulnerability and fragility. She had all the qualities which were needed for the character of Sehmat. On the other hand, Vicky too had the sensitivity to play the character of Iqbal who is from Pakistan. These both actors were extremely apt for the lead characters as they both go through a tumultuous journey in the film. They both have surpassed my expectations which were very high.”
Produced by Dharma Productions and Junglee Pictures, Raazi is scheduled to release on 11th May 2018.
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