Last seen in Doli Armaanon Ki, Mohit Malik is coming back on small screen after a break of three years. He will be playing the role of a rock star in a new serial. Mohit told a leading Indian daily, ‘’I make it a conscious decision to choose important roles which is why it takes time to get the right part. It can be frustrating to wait in-between the shows. There comes a time when your perseverance does decrease. You lose patience and want to take a show just because it’s been a while but that’s when you desist. Waiting is the rule of the game in the entertainment industry.’’
Mohit Malik had to face a setback when his two shows Khoon Bhari Maang and Yaariyan got shelved. Talking about the same, he said, ‘’Last year was so tough that had it been anyone else, he would have gone into depression. I worked on two shows, shot their pilots and waited for six months for them to be aired. Then repeatedly the cycle all over again for the second show which never made it. It was really hard. Last year changed me a lot. I rediscovered myself and even unlearnt a lot in terms of my craft. What worked for me is that I became spiritual in 2017. Ultimately I realized that some things are destined.’’
‘’People can say what they want to. Even my parents got worried that I was sitting at home and not working. They wanted to see me on TV again. But I would tell them I was not chasing money but excellence,’’ the actor added.