Mouni Roy, who recently made a crossover to films from television with the Reema Kagti-directed sports drama Gold (2018), has signed some exciting projects after her silver screen debut. Today, the actress added yet another interesting project to the list by signing Bole Chudiyan opposite extremely talented actress Nawazuddin Siddiqui.
Bole Chudiyan will be her fifth Bollywood film. The project is being bankrolled by Rajesh Bhatia and Kiran Bhatia under the banner Woodpecker Movies.
“I am not able to believe that I would get an opportunity to work with someone like Nawazuddin sir so early in my career. I am extremely scared to be sharing the screen with him, but I know he is such an immense actor and he is an institution and I would learn from him,” said elated Mouni Roy.
Nawazuddin Siddiqui also shared his excitement on having the actress onboard. “I am really excited to work with the very beautiful and talented @roymouni. Hope to spread some fragrance of romance on screen,” tweeted the actor.
Bole Chudiyan is being directed by Siddiqui’s brother Shamas Siddiqui.
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