“HI GUYS! I am Naina Singh and I am more than elated to narrate the top 10 incidents from my professional journey so far. My journey has been a tumultuous rollercoaster ride, which I have had from being a reality show contestant to a successful actress.”
Winning a pageant despite being not so ‘ramp-friendly’: So my career started with Femina’s Most Stylish Diva back in 2013. My mother had sent my photographs for the contest and I got a call that I had been selected. And me, despite being a complete tomboy, went to Mumbai and walked the ramp for the final rounds of auditions. And soon after that, offers for shows started pouring in!
Went for an audition, but bagged the job of a casting director instead: I remember, this one time when I went to audition for a film, and they loved my acting. But on the looks front, I was not fitting the character. So, they told me to join them as a casting director and I happily took the job offer, and started working for them (laughs).
Bagging my first-ever reality show: I went onto audition for one of India’s top reality shows Splitsvilla back in 2017. The show was and is still a big hit. Well, I auditioned, and was selected. I feel lucky to have been a part of the show, which I think gave me a major breakthrough in my career.
Earning the ‘sherni’ tag: While I was in the show (Splitsvilla), my fans had given me the tag of a ‘sherni’ (lioness) for being headstrong and opinionated throughout the duration. This in return gave me a loyal fan base, who supported me throughout my journey.
Winning the reality show, Splitsvilla: And then, I went on to win the show. What a moment that was! Actually, the win came in as a surprise for me because everyone on the show was rigorously fighting for the title and they also had a massive fan following outside.
Bagging my second reality show, India’s Next Superstar: I then went onto participate in a talent search reality show called India’s Next Superstar. It’s a show which gives a platform to budding actors, and I was very excited to be a part of it. This show actually gave me a chance to showcase my acting capabilities.
Rising against the odds and becoming a finalist: I was told by many of my friends that I wouldn’t be selected. And when I did get a call, I was told they wouldn’t be signing the contract with me. And well, when they actually did, all of them were left dumbfounded! Hah!
Getting offered an international show: After being part of these reality shows, my talent got recognised and I got an offer for an international show. But unfortunately, I could not do it due to prior work commitments. But I am really grateful that the makers considered me to be a part of the show, which was an iconic sequel of a huge show.
Making my television debut: I began my journey as Rhea Mehra on the Zee TV show Kum Kum Bhagya. The show itself was very iconic and I was blessed to be a part of it for a stipulated period of time.
Being awarded for the best debut: I bagged an award for my show Kum Kum Bhagya in the best debut category, and I was immensely blessed because usually, an actor doesn’t get so much acceptance and love in their very first project. But I was lucky enough to have been blessed with so much love and appreciation for my very first fictional character.
Naina Singh is an actress, model and reality TV star. Visit Instagram: @nonaberrry