After staying away from the silver screen for two long years, Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan returned to sets with Yash Raj Films’ yet to be announced production Pathan. The action thriller film, which also stars Deepika Padukone and John Abraham in lead roles, hit the shooting floor in 2020 and is expected to wrap up in a couple of months. The team is gearing up to resume filming after shoot was put on hold in the wake of the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic.
While fans are hopeful that Pathan will end Khan’s dry spell at the box-office, they are equally excited about his next untitled film which he is set to do with Tamil filmmaker Atlee Kumar. Atlee is one of the most successful filmmakers working in Tamil cinema today and has delivered back-to-back blockbusters.
After establishing himself as a force to reckon with in Tamil cinema, he is now gearing up to set foot in Bollywood. He has collaborated with Shah Rukh Khan for his first Hindi film and the project has been creating great buzz for quite some time now. And if fresh reports are to be believed, the filmmaker is planning to rope in popular South Indian actress Nayanthara for the female lead opposite Khan.
As per reports, initial talks are already on with the actress and if she signs the film on the dotted line, the audience will get to see this fresh pairing on the silver screen soon. For the uninitiated, Nayanthara has previously worked with Atlee on his directorial debut directorial Raja Rani (2013). The actress already has several exciting projects in the pipeline. It will be interesting to see if she gets to romance SRK in Atlee Kumar’s film.
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