Nayanthara's Tamil horror thriller film Connect has been in the headlines ever since the makers announced the project. Originally made in Tamil, the film is set to release in multiple languages, including Hindi. This is the sheer epitome of Nayanthara's superstardom that the Hindi trailer is also receiving great love from all across. Connect is set to be her first film that will be released in Hindi.
Also known as 'Lady Superstar', Nayanthara enjoys a huge fan base all across India. Following her crazy fan base in the north, the makers have decided to release her Connect in Hindi, making it the first of her film to be released for the Hindi audience. This would indeed be an absolute treat for her fans in the north to witness her upcoming on the screens.
Director Ashwin Saravanan said, "Nayanthara is a great actor, she has made her mark in the South Industries but it's time for her to deliver films to her North Indian fans too. She has a huge fan base all over India and I have personally seen it. Our last collaboration Maya received a great response from audiences all over, so what better than to release our next horror thriller 'Connect' in Hindi for everyone to enjoy it."
While the recently released trailer of the upcoming 'Connect' starring Nayanthara has been garnering immense love for its Tamil trailer, its demand among the north audience was constantly rising. Having seen this, the makers have decided to release the film in Hindi which is scheduled for 30th December.
Produced by Vignesh Shivan under Rowdy Pictures, Connect is directed by Ashwin Saravanan. The film stars Nayanthara, Sathyaraj, Anupam Kher, and Vinay Rai. It is written by Ashwin Saravanan and Kaavya Ramkumar and is all set to release on 22 December 2022 in Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam and on 30th December in Hindi.