Right after unveiling the first look posters of its first Indian original, Sacred Games, streaming media giant Netflix has announced three new Indian original series. The first in the list is Leila, an adaptation of Prayaag Akbar’s novel of the same name. The second series, Ghoul, is based on Arabic folklore and Crocodile, the third series, is an adult murder mystery thriller from Binky Mendez.
This brings the total number of Netflix's Indian originals up to seven, which include Sacred Games, Selection Day, Again, and Bard of Blood.
“We are proud to continue to invest in original content in India. These three series, from the scary to the supernatural, represent the tremendous diversity that Indian storytelling holds for a global audience," Erik Barmack, vice president of international original series at Netflix, said in a statement.
"We are thrilled to work with some of the world's most talented writers and producers to bring these stories to life for India and the world,” he added.