The Netflix Original series Masaba Masaba, which follows the life of renowned Indian fashion designer Masaba Gupta, turned out to be an instant success on its premiere last year. Buoyed up by the great response that the first season garnered, the streaming media giant gave its makers the go-ahead to commence work on the second season.
The latest we hear that Vineyard Films began production on season 2 of Masaba Masaba on July 15th. If you loved the first season, then get ready to experience the same gamut of fun, fashion, and emotions in the same season as well.
While Masaba Masaba 2 started rolling yesterday, Masaba Gupta started working on the second season today. Described as an “inspirational, joyous celebration of her life” with “tongue-in-cheek humour”, the show also features her actor-mother Neena Gupta.
Looking back at her experience of shooting for season 1, Gupta shared, “Masaba Masaba Season 1 was one of the most unexpected yet fun things to happen to me. I have extremely fond memories of filming for the show and just having a good time with the amazing cast and crew. I am all set to start filming for the new season with excitement and renewed energy. I get to show a different side of myself in season 2 and I cannot wait to see what the audience will think about it. It is going to be twice the laughter, twice the tears and twice the fun!”
Produced by Viniyard Films, Masaba Masaba also features Neil Bhoopalam, Rytasha Rathore and Samran Sahu. The show is directed by Sonam Nair, while Ashvini Yardi is attached as showrunner.
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