Starring Anil Kapoor, Harsh Varrdhan Kapoor, and Fatima Sana Shaikh in lead roles, Netflix’s Thar will premiere on the streaming service on 6th May 2022. Set in the Western film-noir world, the upcoming film has an inerrant blend of suspense, mystery, and thrill and promises to be an immersive experience for the audience.
Apart from playing the lead role, Anil Kapoor is also attached as producer. He has bankrolled the film under his banner, Anil Kapoor Film Company.
Talking about Thar, Anil Kapoor said, “I am extremely proud of what we have achieved with Thar and am super excited about the film for several reasons. The genre itself - a noir thriller set in Rajasthan that pays tribute to the genre of the classic Western is a first for Indian cinema and audiences. Thar is a playground where the dynamism of new blood meets the experience of industry stalwarts, both on and off-screen.”
The actor-producer also raved about the fresh pairing of Harshvarrdhan Kapoor and Fatima Sana Sheikh. “On screen, we see the fresh pairing of Harshvarrdhan Kapoor and Fatima Sana Sheikh, and off-screen we see director Raj Singh Chaudhary creating magic with a team of ambitious, risk-taking debutantes - director of photography Shreya Dev Dube and music composer Ajay Jayanthi. As an actor and a producer, I have always strived to push the envelope and disrupt the status quo with innovative content. Thar is a manifestation of this obsession and I'm thrilled to have a partner as supportive and collaborative as Netflix to take this story as far and wide as it can go. We, at AKFC Network truly believe that audiences in India and across the globe will love and embrace the film for all its beauty, grit, and thrill.”
The film follows Siddharth, an antique dealer’s journey through a remote village in Rajasthan that has recently been rocked by a series of violent killings. As the local cop Surekha Singh investigates these killings he crosses paths with Siddharth… will that encounter be the only one? We shall soon find out.
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