Akshay Kumar, one of the most sought-after actors in Bollywood, recently made his music video debut with T-Series’ Filhaal. The single went on to clock millions of digital views in no time and became one of the most successful music videos of all times. In addition to its soulful music and meaningful lyrics, what stood out most in the single was Kumar’s sizzling pairing with newcomer Nupur Sanon.
The latest we hear about Nupur is that she has just signed a high-profile film to make her Bollywood debut. Yes, you heard that right! According to reports, the newcomer has been finalized to play the female lead in an upcoming Hindi film called Bell Bottom. Interestingly, the film stars none other than Akshay Kumar in the lead role.
Earlier, actress Mrunal Thakur’s name was being linked to the big-ticket film. However, a source close to the development informs an entertainment portal that reports about Mrunal Thakur being in consideration for the lead role were mere rumours and that Nupur Sanon has been locked to play the female part.
"While there have been talks about Mrunal Thakur being approached for Bell Bottom, the reports are mere rumours. She was never even approached for the role. In fact, Nupur Sanon has already been finalised to play the role which is said to be a significant one. Her look test is already done and with Filhall being loved so much, this seems like an exciting time for her to foray into showbiz. Nupur has already been prepping herself for the big break,” informs the source. The source further adds that Nupur will play the role of Akshay Kumar’s wife and it will be a strong character.
Bell Bottom was earlier scheduled to release in January 2021. However, Kumar postponed it to April 2021. The superstar will shortly be seen in Rohit Shetty’s much-awaited cop drama Sooryavanshi, slated to release on 27th March, 2020.