If latest media reports are anything to go by, Sanjay Leela Bhansali's magnum opus, Padmavat, might arrive in cinemas on 25th January 2018. Earlier, the film was slated to release on 1st December 2017. However, a series of controversies around the movie led to its postponement for an indefinite period.
As things stand today, the situation seems under control and the makers are ready to release the historical drama on 25th Jan. In that case, the film will lock horns with Akshay Kumar's Pad Man which is also releasing on the same date.
"On Friday, the Central Bureau of Film Certification (CBFC) granted Padmavat a U/A certification. The certified runtime of the Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone and Shahid Kapoor starrer is 2 hours and 43 minutes (163 minutes)," a source close to the development revealed to an Indian daily.
Starring Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor in principal roles, Padmavat is produced by Sanjay Leela Bhansali Productions and Viacom 18 Motion Pictures Pvt. Ltd. It is being touted as the costliest Bollywood film ever.