The cast of the upcoming Hindi film 83 is getting bigger and better with each passing day. The latest actor to have joined the ensemble star cast of the film is the very talented Pankaj Tripathi, who recently won the Best Actor trophy for his rib-tickling performance in Stree (2018).
To be directed by Kabir Khan, 83 is headlined by Simmba (2018) star Ranveer Singh who plays legendary cricketer Kapil Dev in the film. The movie chronicles the Indian cricket team’s historic win against West Indies in the 1983 Cricket World Cup tournament.
After roping in Ranveer Singh and now Pankaj Tripathi, the makers are in the process of signing some more actors. According to reports, talks are already on with actors like Saqib Saleem, Jatin Sarna, Jiva, Tahir Raj Bhasin and Sahil Khatter.
Talking about the female lead, the makers are yet to announce the name of the actress who will play Kapil Dev’s wife Romi Bhatia in the film. Recently, there were reports that Deepika Padukone was being considered for the character, but all reports turned out to be baseless in no time.
83, produced by Reliance Entertainment, is slated to hit screens on 10th April, 2020.