According to reports, actress Parineeti Chopra, who was recently seen in Vipul Amrutlal Shah’s Namaste England (2018), has opted out of filmmaker Anurag Basu’s next directorial venture, which is rumoured to be a sequel to his 2007 film Life In A Metro.
The Ishaqzaade (2011) actress has taken this decision because the dates which were required for Life In A Metro 2 were clashing with her other ongoing projects, Kesari and Jabariya Jodi. Unable to bear the burden of three shoots together, Parineeti chose to let one project go.
All this happened because the makers of Chopra’s period film Kesari decided to resume the shoot exactly around the same period when the actress would be busy with Basu’s movie. As we all know that a sudden fire on the sets of Kesari a couple of months ago had led the makers to put the project on hold. But now they are back to continue the shoot.
“The film (Kesari) needs 15 more days of shooting with Akshay (Kumar) and the rest of the cast. And a set has to be prepared for that. We could not do anything during the monsoons because it is an outdoor schedule, and we were waiting for a combination of dates when Akshay and the film’s other actors would be available,” a source divulged.
The makers of Life In A Metro 2 have now started their search for another actress who could replace Parineeti.