After the roaring success of Hindi Medium in 2017, acclaimed actor Irrfan Khan was set to headline its sequel Hindi Medium 2 as well. But before the actor could start shooting for the movie, he was diagnosed with brain cancer and was admitted in a London hospital for his treatment.
As reported by various media outlets, the National Film Award-winning actor is out of dancer now and has returned to India. Recently, there were reports that he will start shooting for Hindi Medium 2 soon as the project has already faced several delays.
But from what we hear, the project has been put on the back burner yet again as Irrfan is yet to fully recover. The actor will no longer be able to return to movies until he is completely hale and healthy.
“Irrfan is recuperating slowly. He won’t be returning to acting for a while now. The process of healing is slow and exhausting. Even after full recovery, he won’t be allowed to get back to work for at least a year. So there is no question of doing Hindi Medium 2 or any other film in the immediate future,” a well-placed source divulged.
It looks like fans will have to wait a little longer before Irrfan Khan returns to the silver screen once again.
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