Pooja Hedge debuted in Bollywood with Ashutosh Gowariker’s ambitious film Mohenjo Daro (2016), which features superstar Hrithik Roshan as the male lead. The film, mounted on a huge scale, tanked at the box-office which led the actress to focus more on her fledgeling career in the South Indian film industry.
Today, Pooja Hedge is one of the most sought after actresses in the Telugu film industry. She recently delivered a mega-hit Maharshi (2019) opposite Mahesh Babu, which cemented her position further. After establishing herself down South, the actress is trying to set her foot in Bollywood once again.
Pooja Hegde is already doing Housefull 4 opposite Akshay Kumar. The latest we hear that she has inked a high-profile Hindi film deal with Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment. According to reports, the actress has been signed for a three-film deal by producer Sajid Nadiadwala. One of the films will be an out-and-out action entertainer. "After starting her prep for the action movie, it's now learnt that the actress has allotted her bulk dates, approximately over two months to the producer,” a source in the know reveals.
The source goes on to add, "Pooja is currently in New York shooting for a south project. For the first time, the actress will be seen stepping out of her comfort zone and will be seen performing some cool action moves in the film. The movie that Pooja is apparently going to start work on is said to be loosely based on the Hollywood fantasy thriller, Tomb Raider (2001) starring Angelina Jolie in the lead role.”
Talking about her Telugu projects, Pooja Hegde is presently shooting for filmmaker Harish Shankar’s Valmiki, co-starring Varun Tej and Atharvaa. It is an official remake of Tamil blockbuster movie, Jigarthanda (2014).