South Indian filmmaker Sandeep Vanga Reddy made his Bollywood directorial debut with T-Series Films and Cine1 Studios’ Kabir Singh in 2018. Starring Shahid Kapoor and Kiara Advani in lead roles, the movie set the box-office on fire and turned out to be one of the highest grossing ventures of the year. After the massive success of Kabir Singh, Reddy must have thought that putting together his next Hindi project would be a cakewalk. However, nothing of that sort seems to be happening for the filmmaker.
According to reports, Sandeep Vanga Reddy is finding it difficult to lock the cast of his next Hindi film Devil. Reportedly, the filmmaker had earlier approached Ranbir Kapoor to play the title role in the film. However, the actor turned down the offer for reasons best known to him. He then took the film to Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu, who also refused as it did not cater to his audience.
Now, we hear that Reddy has offered Devil to to Pan-India star Prabhas, who became a force to reckon with after the earth-shattering success of Baahubali: The Beginning (2015) and Baahubali: The Conclusion (2017). Though Prabhas’ last offering Saaho (2019) did not turn out to be the kind of blockbuster one was expecting before its release, the movie was a profitable venture and made good money. But Prabhas is still being very cautious about his next projects. After Saaho, he has just completed yet another multilingual film Jaan opposite Pooja Hegde of Housefull 4 (2019) fame.
Prabhas is yet to decide whether or not he should be signing the project on the dotted line. But as per some reports, the actor is likely to come onboard. Bhushan Kumar of T-Series Films is bankrolling the project. More details are expected to arrive soon.
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