Creators For Change, a YouTube Original Documentary featuring India’s leading content creator Prajakta Koli, has won the Daytime Emmy Award in the Outstanding Daytime Non-Fiction Special category. The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences handed out the awards for this year’s broadcast portion of the 48th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards on June 25.
In the documentary, Michelle Obama is seen in conversation with Koli along with Liza Koshy and Thembe Mahlaba. It highlights the experiences of adolescent girls in Vietnam, India, and Namibia overcoming adversity to pursue their education.
Several prominent Indian celebrities such as Anil Kapoor, Mithila Palkar, Zareen Khan, Guneet Monga, Zakir Khan, Jonita Gandhi, Vidya Malavade, Kubbra Sait, Gaurav Gera and Maanvi Gagroo congratulated Koli on her prestigious win.
“I am going to take some time to process this, but so grateful for having to wake up to find out that our Creators For Change documentary won a Daytime Emmy. So much love to YouTube for constantly giving creators like me a global platform to have effective conversations. So grateful to Mrs. Obama for letting me be a part of this wonderful project. Also, so much love to Liza and Thembe. What a feeling!” said the creator who has millions of followers across all her social media platforms.
The award show focused on major categories such as outstanding drama, game show, entertainment talk show, morning show, informative talk show and legal/courtroom program, as well as the performers, host, writers, directors and other technical teams for those shows.
The Daytime Emmy Awards have recognized top achievements in daytime programming since 1974, presenting awards to individuals and programs airing between 2 a.m. to 6 p.m., as well as categories that recognize syndicated and digital content.
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