Pratik Gandhi, the breakout star of SonyLIV’s Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story (2020), is ready to set his foot in Bollywood with the upcoming film Bhavai. Directed by debutant filmmaker Hardik Gajjar, the film is set in 1982 in a rural village in Gujarat and revolves around two artists, local boy Raja Ram Joshi (Gandhi) and Rani (Aindrita Ray), who work for a Ram Leela drama company and how it affects their personal life off stage.
Revealing what led him to pick up the script of Bhavai for his first Bollywood film in a leading role, Gandhi says, “This was before Scam 1992 in 2018. When I first heard the narration, I was clear and convinced that I want to do this movie. I told Hardik, ‘Now you decide if you want me for this character,’ because at that time, apart from Gujarati movies, I had not explored anything else. Also, making a movie in Hindi and releasing it both are different factors as it holds various variables, and moreover launching a fresh face is also challenging, hence I had left it on the director Hardik Gajjar to decide.”
Sharing his excitement about gracing the big screen, he adds, “I am very excited. Bhavai will always stay close to my heart for many reasons. Firstly, Bhavai is my first Bollywood film as the lead protagonist. This in itself is very huge for any actor. The second reason is the love that was showered on me through Scam. There are set of audience now hoping to see me in a different role, so I want to showcase them something that is different and they will enjoy.”
In addition to Pratik Gandhi, Bhavai also features Rajendra Gupta, Rajesh Sharma, and Abhimanyu Singh in important roles. Presented by Dr. Jayantilal Gada of Pen Studios, produced by Dhaval Jayantilal Gada, Aksshay Jayantilal Gada, Parth Gajjar, and Hardik Gajjar Films in association with Backbencher Pictures, the film is set to enter theatres on October 1, 2021.
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