Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, will dedicate the world’s tallest statue, the ‘Statue of Unity’, to the nation, at Kevadiya in the western state of the country, Gujarat on Wednesday (31).
The 182-metre statue of freedom fighter, the first deputy prime minister of India, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, will be dedicated to the nation on his birth anniversary, at Kevadiya in Narmada district of the state, said prime minister’s office in a statement.
At the launch ceremony, the prime minister and other dignitaries will pour soil and Narmada water into a ‘Kalash’ to mark the dedication of the ‘Statue of Unity’ to the nation.
The prime minister will press a lever to commence a Virtual Abhishek of the statue.
The prime minister will address the gathering on the occasion.
He will then arrive at the Wall of Unity, and inaugurate it. At the feet of the Statue of Unity, where the prime minister will perform a special prayer.
He shall visit the museum and exhibition, and the viewers’ gallery. This gallery, at 153 metres height, can accommodate upto 200 visitors at one time. It offers a spectacular view of the Sardar Sarovar Dam, its reservoir, and the Satpura and Vindhya mountain ranges.
The dedication ceremony shall also be punctuated by a flypast of IAF aircraft, and performances of cultural troupes.