On Friday (23), the Olympic Games kickstarted in Tokyo and Priyanka Chopra enjoyed the opening ceremony of the game on the television. She took to Instagram to inform her fans about it, and also wished best of luck to Team India.
The actress posted, “I’m sitting in front of my TV watching the opening of the Olympic Games happening right now in Tokyo and the mood is somber, yet the moment feels nostalgic. We all know the games are unlike anything we’ve experienced before, with the best of the best athletes in the world competing for the pride of their countries. The arenas may be without an audience, but our cheers won't stop, no matter where we are. Good luck to everyone participating. Know that you are giving an embattled world something to collectively cheer for.”
“All the very best to the Refugee Olympic Team… I’m cheering for you!! Your presence sends such a powerful message of hope to the world. Best of luck #TeamIndia! I’m cheering for each and everyone of you! P.S. @mcmary.kom, gave an extra loud cheer for you ! @pvsindhu1, @dkumari.archer - go Queens! Show em @mirzasaniar ???? #Cheer4India #GarvHai #Tokyo2020,” she further wrote.
Talking about Priyanka’s movies, the actress will be seen in films like Matrix and Text For You. She will also be seen in Amazon Prime Video’s series Citadel which also stars Richard Madden in the lead role.
Well, currently, the actress doesn’t have any Hindi film lined up but a few months ago, while interacting with her fans on Twitter, Priyanka had revealed that she will do a Hindi film next year.