Priyanka Chopra, who has not been seen in Hindi movies since her 2016 release Jai Gangaajal, is set to rule the roost once again. The actress has signed two exciting projects - Bharat and The Sky Is Pink.
While in Bharat, PC shares the screen space with superstar Salman Khan, The Sky Is Pink relies solely on the star power of the former beauty queen. The actress knows it very well that she is still a big draw at the domestic box-office and hence, according to reports, she is in talks with the makers of The Sky Is Pink to work out a deal.
Reportedly, the actress has asked for a profit-sharing with the makers of the movie. “Shonali Bose’s film banks on Priyanka and Zaira Wasim, who plays her daughter in the movie. Priyanka understood that if she needed to make this venture feasible, she couldn’t command her regular fee. In such a scenario, she thought it would be better to take a share of the film’s spoils after it has done well. This is the first time a Bollywood actress will be doing this. So far, we have usually seen male actors demand a cut of the profits since they pump in the money as well,” a source lets on.
“The topic has so far been broached with one of the producers. The profit cut is yet to be finalised. Before the film is officially announced, the respective parties are expected to come to a consensus on the same, following which she will sign on the dotted line,” the source adds further.
If the producers agree to split the profit with Priyanka, she would become the first Bollywood actress to lock a deal of such kind.