Priyanka Chopra, who is presently riding high on the success of Prime Video’s spy thriller Citadel, has multiple projects in the pipeline, including a Bollywood film Zee Je Zaraa, which will see her share the screen space with Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt.
Back in 2019, Chopra had also announced a film with Never Have I Ever creator Mindy Kaling. The yet-to-be-titled project is based on Indian weddings and will be primarily shot in India. The latest we hear is that after facing some delay, the film is finally set to take off this year.
As far as Zee Je Zaraa is concerned, that film is also scheduled to hit the shooting floor this year and Priyanka will be stationed in India for a long time to complete the shoot.
During the same time, Mindy is also planning to visit India and commence work on her film with the former Miss World.
If reports are to be believed, the Quantico star will juggle her time between Mindy’s project and Farhan Akhtar’s Jee Le Zaraa.
Apart from bankrolling the project, Mindy also plays a pivotal part in the film. She will reportedly play Priyanka’s cousin in the romantic comedy, set against the backdrop of a big fat Indian wedding.
While Priyanka slides into the role of a Punjabi girl, Mindy will be featured as an American Bengali girl.
Stay tuned to this space for more updates and reveals.
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