One of the most successful director-actor duos of Bollywood, Rajkumar Santoshi and Sunny Deol is all set to join hands after a huge gap of almost 22 years. The duo, who has given us such ground-breaking films as Ghayal (1990), Damini (1993) and Ghatak (1996), is now coming up with an action entertainer called Fateh Singh.
The film revolves around a Sikh warrior called Fateh Singh. Sunny Deol has been roped in to play the title role in the movie. Not many people know that the project was originally announced almost five years ago with Sanjay Dutt as the male lead. However, things could not fall into place back then and the movie was shelved. Now, Santoshi has revived it with his favourite Sunny Deol.
A source close to the development divulges, “When Santoshi had announced the film in 2013, he had wanted to cast Sanjay Dutt in the lead but it didn’t work out due to date issues. Now, he has locked the final script with Sunny’s nod.”
Fateh Singh will be an action entertainer and Rajkumar Santoshi is convinced that this is the kind of film which will bring Sunny back on the silver screen in his action avatar. If all goes well, the director will start production by the year-end.
Fateh Singh will be produced by Sajid Qureshi and Tony D’souza.