Actor Rajkummar Rao, who is riding high on the success of his recent release Stree (2018), co-starring Shraddha Kapoor and Pankaj Tripathi, is set to team up with Radhika Apte and Kalki Koechlin for an upcoming project, which will be officially announced on 13th November, 2018.
The yet-to-be-titled project will mark the first association of Rao with Radhika Apte and Kalki Koechlin and the three actors have never worked together before. Spilling some more details on the project, Rao told a newswire, “I am really excited about this new project that sees Radhika Apte, Kalki Koechlin and I working together for the very first time. It has been a blast creating this truly unique experience that brings alive the power of storytelling.”
When prodded further, the National award-winning actor requested to wait till 13th November when the project will be officially announced. “At this time, I cannot divulge much, but to all my fans I request you to please be patient as all will be revealed on November 13 through an official announcement, so stay tuned. I know it's going to be truly spectacular.”
Meanwhile, Rao is shooting for his next Made In China, co-starring Mouni Roy. His next release will be Mental Hai Kya. Produced by Ekta Kapoor, the movie reunites Rao with his Queen (2014) co-star Kangana Ranaut after a gap of four years.