Rajkummar Rao, the unconventional star of Hindi cinema, has had a brilliant year. Most of his films which released in 2017 did well at the box office and the actor has some very interesting movies in his hand. The latest we hear that noted filmmaker Imtiaz Ali has signed him for one of his upcoming projects.
If you remember, media outlets were recently flooded with stories about a possible reunion of actor Shahid Kapoor and director Imtiaz Ali. Both were expected to come together for a sequel to their blockbuster film Jab We Met. Buzz has it that Rajkummar Rao will be the latest addition to the cast of the sequel. Reportedly, the actor will play an important role in the film.
Talking about the female lead of the film, no actress has been finalized as yet.
Rajkummar Rao is currently busy with his forthcoming film Fanne Khan with Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Anil Kapoor. Shahid Kapoor, on the other hand, is awaiting the release of his film Padmavati which also features Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone.