Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone, who last worked together on the Imtiaz Ali-directed Tamasha (2015), are set to join forces once again after a gap of four years. According to reports, Padukone has been finalized to star opposite Ranbir in Luv Ranjan’s next, also featuring superstar Ajay Devgn.
The makers are presently busy finalizing shooting dates with the Padmaavat (2018) actress. “She is currently busy with her first production Chhapaak being shot in the capital, while Ajay is wrapping up Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior and Ranbir is juggling Brahmastra and Shamshera. However, the film is likely to go on the floors only towards the year-end by which time they would have wrapped up their on-going commitments,” a source reveals.
The untitled film is an action-thriller. It was announced in May last year. However, due to the busy schedules of Ajay Devgn and Ranbir Kapoor, it is yet to start rolling. Now it will go on floors towards the year-end.
T-Series Films and Luv Films are jointly producing the movie.
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