A couple of months ago, acclaimed filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali had announced that after completing his upcoming directorial Gangubai Kathiawadi, he would next helm a film called Baiju Bawra. Ever since he officially announced the movie on Twitter, several names have been linked to it.
The latest we hear that Bhansali is in talks with Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone for lead roles in his film. Though nobody associated with the project has confirmed the development, some industry insiders reveal that talks are on among the three.
A source informs a premier entertainment magazine, “Ranbir and Deepika make a pair to reckon with on screen and Bhansali wants to create magic with the two actors. Talks are on. However, neither of the two has signed on the dotted line yet.”
The source goes on to add further, “These are all early talks, which started before the lockdown, but with the entire calendar of actors going for a toss, it would be interesting to see how things shape up. Though Ranbir and Deepika will make for a formidable pair in a Bhansali film.”
Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone were last seen together on screen in filmmaker Imtiaz Ali’s Tamasha (2015). Though the movie did not set the cash registers jingling at the box-office on fire, the audience loved the crackling chemistry between the lead pair.
Meanwhile, Deepika Padukone is presently awaiting the release of filmmaker Kabir Khan’s next ’83 wherein she plays an extended cameo opposite Ranveer Singh. Ranbir Kapoor, on the other hand, will next be seen in Dharma Productions’ much-awaited fantasy drama Brahmastra. The big-ticket film stars his rumoured girlfriend Alia Bhatt as the leading lady.
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