In 2019, it was announced that after Gangubai Kathiawadi, Sanjay Leela Bhansali will be directing a movie titled Baiju Bawra. The movie was supposed to release on Diwali this year, but due to the pandemic, everything has been delayed.
Well, there have multiple reports about the casting of the film, and it was said that Ranbir Kapoor has been finalised to play the lead role in Baiju Bawra. But now, according to a report in Bollywood Hungama, the actor might opt out of the movie.
A source told the portal, "Ranbir has expressed his confusion to Bhansali and the team as well. He is not sure of Baiju Bawra and with another Dharma project in his kitty; RK doesn't seem to be keen anymore on working with SLB again. Not many know that he did not have a great experience working with him during Saawariya and they have never done a film after that. So it's most likely that Ranbir is going to opt-out of the project, although nothing was ever locked on papers."
Well, a few days ago, Kartik was spotted at Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s office, but he isn’t replacing Ranbir in Baiju Bawra. The source said, "Kartik's visits to SLB's office are just regular pleasantry meets. There has been no offer made to him, yet."
Meanwhile, Ranbir currently has three films lined up, Brahmastra, Shamshera, and Luv Ranjan’s next.
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