Bollywood star Ranveer Singh is all set to make his digital debut with Netflix India's first interactive show, Ranveer Vs Wild With Bear Grylls. On Friday, Netflix India dropped a new trailer of Ranveer Vs Wild With Bear Grylls, an adventure-based show, which will premiere on July 8.
At the launch event of the show, Singh spoke about the necessity to experiment and the way he mentioned along with his spouse Deepika Padukone that he must have totally different experiences as an actor.
On making his OTT debut, Singh mentioned, “Netflix gave good money so I was like let’s do it. I felt my life has become the same. It is a bit of a flat line. I have worked for 12 years and I have survived. You keep doing movies, you attain success and you have AC in your house and car. You are shooting in an AC studio with a five-star director and then go back to sleep. You need to have new experiences. I was discussing with my baby (Deepika Padukone) that my experiences are flat. As an actor, you need to have different experiences so that you can improve. I was feeling I am getting into a comfort zone. When this offer came, I just grabbed it with both hands.”
Ranveer Singh additionally shared the teachings learned whereas working with Bear Grylls. He mentioned, “You should always be daring. Sometimes fear can stop you, and limit you. It can stop you from taking the next step, from growing and evolving. Don’t let fear have that control over you. It will stop you. One has to keep moving forward. You have to take that leap of faith.”