According to reports, Ranveer Singh is set to reunite with filmmaker Rohit Shetty after their superhit cop drama Simmba (2018). Buzz has it that the hit filmmaker is currently working on a script which is the official adaptation of Gulzar’s classic comedy film Angoor (1982), featuring an ensemble star cast of Sanjeev Kumar, Deven Verma, Moushumi Chatterjee, and Deepti Naval.
Sharing some details with an entertainment portal, a trade source reveals, “Rohit Shetty has been trying to make Angoor remake for a while now and it is finally happening now with Ranveer Singh stepping into Sanjeev Kumar’s shoes.”
The source goes on to add that Shetty had initially planned to rope in Shah Rukh Khan in the lead role, “Rohit had planned to revisit Angoor in 2015 with Shah Rukh Khan in lead. However, things did not materialize and the two collaborated on Dilwale (2015). After that, he got busy with Golmaal Again (2017), Simmba, and Sooryavanshi. He has now got the much-needed break in the Covid pandemic, and he utilised the time to fine-tune and rework on the script of Angoor adaptation.”
Rohit Shetty, who specialises in helming big-budgeted comedies with an ensemble cast, is planning to mount the remake on a huge scale. “Bol Bachchan (2012) was essentially inspired by Golmaal (1979), rather a commercial take on Golmaal. In the same way, even Angoor is more of an adaptation in present time, and Rohit is just retaining the basic premise of how two identical twins lead to confusion. It is currently being scripted and the final draft is expected to be locked soon, following which they will move on to the other aspects of pre-production, including signing other actors of the ensemble,” the trade source added.
Ranveer Singh, who has portrayed a range of characters on celluloid ever since making his debut with Band Baaja Baaraat (2010), will play a double role for the first time in her career. “It will be a double role for Ranveer, and it will be a first in this space for Ranveer. They are planning it as the biggest Bollywood comedy to date,” the trade source concludes.
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