The Uttar Pradesh's police in northeastern India in a report submitted to a special Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (1985) court stated that rats ate over 1102 pounds of confiscated marijuana stored in the warehouses of Shergarh and Highway police station.
The statement by the police was made after the court asked them to produce the 1291 pounds of marijuana recovered in a case registered under the NDPS Act.
"There is no place in the police station where the stored goods can be saved from the rats. The remaining marijuana from the huge consignment was destroyed by officers," the police prosecutor told the court.
"Being small in size, the rats have no fear of the police, nor can the police officers be considered experts in solving the problem," the prosecutor said.
The court, in its order dated November 18, ordered the SSP (Senior Superintendent Of Police) Mathura to get rid of rats and to deliver proof that rats actually consumed the marijuana. Along with this, the police team has been ordered to submit a report with evidence in this matter by 26 November.
The court has also issued five-point directions for the auction or disposal of marijuana stored in police warehouses.