Raveena Tandon has joined celebs like Sonakshi Sinha, Sonu Sood, R Balki, Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari, Imtiaz Ali, Nandita Das, and others to show support to the human right she feels is most important. The actress was present on the Born Free & Equal podcast by United for Human Rights, and chose to talk about the human right 'A Fair and Free World'.
Raveena said, “It is very, very important for us to see that all these people that are spread far and wide in this country (India) are reached out to, to make them aware of their rights. Unfortunately, half of these people are not even aware that they have the rights our constitution states. People in different parts of the country don't attempt to chase their dreams or do things they really want to do, because of illiteracy and unawareness - because there's no outreach. The constitution, I believe, should be simplified. Basic rights need to be also taught to our children. I think it should be made mandatory. We all learn Civics and History, but I think it should be a part of the module for children to learn the basic, Civic Rights.”
She further added, "It's necessary to take the awareness into the country, into our interiors, where people are living completely unaware. Because being unaware of their rights, they are taken an unfair advantage of - it could be labour rights, it could be child labour, it could be, exploitation of the very basic, simple rights to life. Once you have that education - the proper resources, where you need to go, what you need to do, how you need to fight for your rights, then people become harder to take advantage of because they are aware.”
Talking about Raveena's movies, the actress will next be seen in K.G.F Chapter 2 in which she reportedly plays the role of a politician.