The cast of the upcoming Kannada film KGF: Chapter 2 is getting bigger and better with each passing days. As the title suggests itself, the movie is a sequel to the 2018 blockbuster, KGF: Chapter 1, starring Yash as the protagonist.
The actor, who has seen a meteoric rise in his popularly over the last few months, returns to headline the sequel. But this time around, there will be several other important characters in the movie and the casting for the same is underway.
According to reports, Bollywood actress Raveena Tandon has been roped in to play a pivotal role in the film. She will play former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in the much-awaited sequel, according to sources.
“Raveena Tandon is going to play Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and it is very important for the film,” lets on a source.
The source goes on to add that shooting for KGF: Chapter 2 has already begun and the makers are planning to make the sequel bigger than its predecessor.
KGF: Chapter 2 is being helmed by Prashant Neel. The film is expected to release towards the end of the year.