Former head of India’s central bank, Urjit Patel had personally written to prime minister Narendra Modi about his intention to quit as Reserve Bank of India (RBI) governor before stepping down in December 2018, prime minister Modi said in an interview with ANI on Tuesday (1).
“The governor himself requested (to resign) because of personal reasons. I am revealing for the first time, he was telling me about this for the past six-seven months before his resignation. He gave it even in writing. He wrote to me personally,” Indian prime minister told ANI.
“No such question arises. I acknowledge that Patel did a good job as RBI Governor,” Indian prime minister said answering to a question.
“Mr Urjit Patel has done great work as the RBI Governor: PM,” Modi said in a series of tweets on Tuesday.
Central bank governor left his office after months-long impasse over policy issues with the Modi led government. According to the media reports, Modi challenged the functioning of the country’s central bank in the months-long deadlock.
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