The forthcoming Hindi film Daas Dev, which has already faced several delays, has been pushed to a new release date yet again. Earlier slated to hit the silver screen on 23rd February, the political thriller will now arrive in theatres on 20th April.
Though many people may think that the decision has been taken to avoid the box office clash with Hichki and Baa Baaa Black Sheep which are also scheduled to release on 23rd February, the makers explain that they have shifted the film to 20th April in the interest of better distribution and marketing efforts.
Daas Dev will now be distributed by Shringar Films Pvt Ltd. The company will handle the PAN India distribution mandate of the film, which means it will now get a better screen count at theatres.
“I have shaped the story the way I envisaged it. My part as a director is to put all my energies into the creative process of making the movie and doing justice to the script. As far as business decisions, strategies and release dates are concerned, Shringar Films have a bigger vision for the movie and we know we are in great hands. We are excited to bring Daas Dev to a larger audience," director Sudhir Mishra said in a statement.
Daas Dev, which is the reversed version of Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay's classic novel Devdas, has Rahul Bhat, Richa Chadha, Aditi Rao Hydari, Saurabh Shukla, Deepraj Rana, Saurabh Tyagi, Dalip Tahil, Anil George, Anurag Kashyap and Vineet Kumar Singh in the cast.