Last seen in Patel Ki Punjabi Shaadi, evergreen Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor has completed shooting for two of his forthcoming films - Rajma Chawal and Mulk. Both movies were being shot in the northern part of India, which helped the actor manage his dates and time.
The Kapoor & Sons actor had started shooting for both films two-and-a-half months ago and now he has wrapped them up within such a short period of time. Helmed by Anubhav Sinha, Mulk is a social thriller film whereas Rajma Chawal is a comic-caper directed by Leena Yadav.
Talking about the release date of both films, Rajma Chawal is scheduled to arrive in cinemas this February, whereas the release date for Mulk has yet not been locked. However, it is expected to release in the first half of 2018. It also stars Taapsee Pannu in a pivotal role.
Besides Mulk and Rajma Chawal, Rishi Kapoor also has 102 Not Out in his kitty. Directed by Umesh Shukla, 102 Not Out also stars Amitabh Bachchan.
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