According to reports, celebrated filmmaker S. S. Rajamouli has resumed production on his much-awaited film RRR in Hyderabad. The magnum opus, which features Jr NTR and Ram Charan in principal roles, had to stall its shoot in March due to the Coronavirus outbreak. News has it that Rajamouli has planned a two-month-long schedule without any break to wrap up the film.
We also hear that both Jr NTR and Ram Charan are not likely to join the shoot immediately. The team is looking at filming some crucial scenes with the rest of the cast. Ram Charan is expected to join the sets only after completing his portion for upcoming film Acharya, which stars his superstar father Chiranjeevi in the lead role. The actor is doing an extended cameo in the hugely anticipated movie.
Set in pre-independent India, RRR tells the tale of two well-known revolutionaries, Alluri Sitarama Raju and Komaram Bheem. Talking about the film, Rajamouli had earlier said in an interview, “This will be a fictional story on the lives of Alluri Sitarama Raju and Komaram Bheem. There are gaps in the lives of these legendary freedom fighters that we do not know about. We do not know what happened in their lives in these years. It is through this fictional story we would like to show what could have happened in their lives and what would have happened if they met and bonded.”
In addition to Jr NTR and Ram Charan, RRR also features Ajay Devgn and Alia Bhatt who appear in extended cameos in the movie. Both Ajay and Alia will be making their Telugu debut with the high-profile project.
Made under the banner of DVV Entertainments, RRR will be released in ten Indian languages. It is slated for its theatrical bow in 2021.
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