Telugu actor Sai Dharam Tej on Friday was admitted to a hospital in Hyderabad, India, after a road accident. Reportedly, he has injured his collar bone. His uncle and actor Chiranjeevi took to Twitter to share an update about the actor’s health.
Chiranjeevi shared the hospital’s statement and wrote, “@IamSaiDharamTej met with an accident few hours ago & has suffered minor injuries & bruises. Wish to share with All Fans & Well Wishers that There is absolutely NO cause for Concern or Anxiety. He is recovering under expert medical supervision & shall be back in a couple of days.”
Vijay Deverakonda and Jr NTR took to Twitter to wish Tej a speedy recovery.
Deverakonda tweeted, “Saying a prayer.. @IamSaiDharamTej See you on the other side happy, healthy and smiling.”
JR NTR wrote, “Wishing you a speedy recovery brother @IamSaiDharamTej.”
Sai Dharam Tej started his journey as an actor with the film Pilla Nuvvu Leni Jeevitham (2014). Later, he featured in many successful films like Subramanyam for Sale (2015), Supreme (2016), Chitralahari (2019), Prati Roju Pandage (2019), and Solo Brathuke So Better (2020).
The actor is gearing up for the release of his next movie Republic which is slated to release on 1st October 2021.