Saif Ali Khan recently blasted Bollywood for its sudden outpouring of love for late actor Sushant Singh Rajput after he ended his life on Sunday. Khan feels that a day of silence or introspection would be more appropriate than the hypocrisy of pretending to care.
Hitting out at those posting nonsensical comments in the wake of the tragedy, the National Film Award-winning actor says, “There are so many people who have made comments so quickly. And it just seems to me that people are somewhere gaining some mileage from this poor fellow’s tragedy, you know, whether it is to show compassion or to show interest or to show some political stance. So many people are talking rubbish in this nonstop kind of barrage on social media and it is just embarrassing, really, I think.”
The actor goes on to add, “Out of respect for him, for Sushant’s tragedy, maybe a day of silence or introspection would be a little more becoming than this outpouring of love – an outpouring of love from people who obviously did not care about him and people who famously don’t care about anybody else.”
Saif Ali Khan will be seen sharing the screen space with Sushant Singh Rajput in the upcoming film Dil Bechara. Helmed by renowned casting director Mukesh Chhabra, the romantic movie will mark Singh’s final appearance on the silver screen.
About his memories of the late actor, Khan says, “I think he had very refined looks. He was a good-looking guy. He was very talented. He was a little edgy. When I met him, I thought he was a little on the edge. I think he was looking for something. He was interested in the same things as me in some ways. Like he liked astronomy, and he liked, you know, discussing some of this philosophy and talking about some stuff, which, you know, one dabbles in as an amateur.”