Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan had an emotional reunion with Bhajan Singh Rana, the auto rickshaw driver who came to his rescue during a life-threatening situation. Their meeting was a true moment of appreciation and gratitude, six days after Saif survived a frightening attack.
The horrifying incident unfolded when Saif was attacked during an attempted burglary and stabbed six times. Saif, severely hurt and in pain, tried to find help whilst wearing a white kurta that turned crimson from his own blood. In his darkest hour, he met Rana, who displayed great courage and compassion.
Speaking to the media, Rana clearly recalled the night. He expressed his shock at finding Saif, bloodied and accompanied by a toddler, and frantically trying to figure out how long it would take to reach the hospital. Without hesitation, Rana urged Saif to get into his auto and sped to Lilavati Hospital. Rana reached the hospital in just 8–10 minutes, putting aside any thoughts of charging for the trip and focusing solely on Saif's safety
For days following the tragedy, storeys circulated about whether Saif would meet the man who had saved his life. On Tuesday, soon before being released from the hospital, Saif addressed those queries with a heartfelt gesture.
Saif Ali Khan with the driver at the hospitalTwitter/Manobala Vijayabalan
The meeting between Saif and Rana was brief but emotional. According to insider reports, Saif displayed his gratitude to Rana by honouring him with ₹50,000 as a gift. However, it was not only the monetary offer that made an impact; it was Saif's sincere gratitude and affection for the man who had saved him.
Rana expressed how great it felt to be greeted so warmly. He was asked to meet Saif at 3:30 p.m, and despite being five minutes late, he was greeted warmly by Saif and his family, which included the great Sharmila Tagore and other relatives. Rana, overwhelmed with emotion, touched the feet of both Saif and Sharmila Tagore in a show of respect and affection. The family posed for pictures with Rana, making him feel honoured and appreciated.
During their five-minute conversation, Saif thanked Rana for his selfless efforts and promised him that he would always be there for him, saying, "Let me know if you ever need anything."
Rana expressed his feelings of humility and excitement at the reunion. His humble act of generosity not only saved a life, but it also earned him equal admiration from one of Bollywood's biggest stars.