Filmmaker Sajid Nadiadwala is known for giving his audience the entertainment which is worth their money and time. Taking the tradition forward, the ace filmmaker is now bringing his upcoming film Housefull 4 in 3D for a unique cinematic experience. Though Housefull 4 is not going to be the first movie to have used the state-of-the-art technology, it will be the first time when a comic-caper arrives in cinemas powered by the said technology.
Housefull 4 is the fourth instalment of Nadiadwala's blockbuster film franchise Housefull. Since the previous three parts of the series have been received very well by the audience and attract millions of audience on their television broadcast, the producer is making sure that the next instalment turns out to be bigger than the rest of the three.
Scheduled to hit screens in Diwali 2019, Housefull 4 will be the first of its kind to give the audience a 3D experience in the comedy genre. The film is set in two different eras, one will be the modern era and the other will be the kind of era we saw in the Baahubali film series. Housefull 4 is being mounted on a massive budget of over INR 200 crores, with INR 75 crores allocated for VFX only.
Produced by Sajid Nadiadwala under the banner Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment, Housefull 4 will be helmed by Sajid Khan who directed Housefull and Housefull 2. The film is expected to go on floors in the next few months.
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