Amid high anticipation, the makers of the upcoming action entertainer Race 3 launched the theatrical trailer of the film at a grand event held in Mumbai today. The glitzy event witnessed the presence of the entire star cast of the movie, including megastar Salman Khan, Jacqueline Fernandez, Anil Kapoor, Bobby Deol, Freddy Daruwala, Daisy Shah, and Saqib Saleem.
Besides the whole star cast, producer Ramesh Taurani, director Remo D'souza, music composer duo Meet Bros and lyricist Kumaar were also in attendance at the event. The trailer launch event was followed by an interactive session with the star cast where the actors shared their experiences while shooting for the film. They also answered questions asked by the galaxy of media personnel present at the event.
As the name suggests itself, Race 3 is the third instalment of the super hit film franchise Race. The latest instalment seems to take the action and suspense several notches higher than its predecessors.
Produced by Salman Khan Films and Ramesh Taurani under the banner of Tips Industries Ltd, Race 3 is directed by Remo D'souza and is slated to enter in cinemas on 15th June 2018.
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