Salman Khan went all out to launch brother-in-law Aayush Sharma in Bollywood with the recently released romcom LoveYatri (2018). However, his efforts proved abortive as the movie failed to live up to expectations of the audience and fell flat at the box-office, incurring heavy losses to the superstar.
But Khan does not seem bothered about the loss his production venture made and has started planning for another film for Aayush Sharma. According to reports, Salman Khan has bought the remake rights of Marathi blockbuster Mulshi Pattern, which hit the marquee in November.
The megastar’s production house will remake the film in Hindi with Aayush Sharma in the lead role. The team is yet to decide on the director and a search for the female lead is also on. If things go as planned, the movie will start rolling in mid-2019.
“Earlier this week, Salman had a meeting with Aayush at his office to discuss the project. They have yet to finalise the director and the hunt is on for the leading lady. Unlike his debut film, LoveYatri, which was a love story, this one will see Aayush in a more serious avatar. He will start training in action soon,” a source close to the development revealed.
Buzz also has it that Aayush Sharma has bagged a gangster movie, which will also feature superstar Sanjay Dutt in a prominent role. The project is, however, yet to be announced officially.
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