Actor Samir Soni, who had featured in the previous installment of Student of the Year, will now be playing the role of a principal in SOTY 2. Talking about his character, he said to a leading Indian daily, "SOTY 2 is a fresh story, only the franchise is being carried forward. Rishi is the finest actor we have. He did a fabulous job in the first part and people remember him. I am nervous and excited to step into his shoes, although it’s not the same character. I’m looking forward to the challenge."
Samir’s character in this film will be a contrast to Rishi Kapoor’s character in Student of the Year. "No, he is not gay, but he has his own quirks. He is not the normal, boring principal. He will make you laugh and smile. It’s a film about students, so there will be a fun element," Samir said.
The shooting of the film will take place in Dehradun in mid-April.
Meanwhile, during an interaction with media, Tiger spoke about his role in the movie, he said, "Student Of The Year is a complete contrast to what I am doing right now (Baaghi 2). It is an out of the box one for me. Here I am a one-man army, there I am getting bullied."
Talking about what changes he has to undergo for the film, he said, "I will have to lose muscles, look more like a boy, seat more like a boy, be more easy going, casual and just change my body language. Need to grow my hair more slightly and trim my beard. In Baaghi they tanned me, while for Student I will have to have my original colour."
Helmed by Punit Malhotra, Student of the Year 2 will hit screens on November 23, 2018.
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