Superstar Sanjay Dutt, who turns 60 today, treated his fans with two back-to-back surprises. He launched the teaser of his home production Prasthanam, but before that he dropped his first look from the upcoming film KGF Chapter 2. As the title suggests itself, KGF Chapter 2 is a sequel to the Yash starrer KGF Chapter 1 which set the box-office on fire upon its release in 2018.
Dutt unveiled his 'Adheera' look from the film. In the poster, which has gone viral ever since, the actor looks every bit menacing. Earlier, there was speculation about Sanjay Dutt starring in the much-awaited sequel. Today, on the special occasion of his 60th birthday, he put all speculations to rest by announcing his role in KGF Chapter 2.
Sanjay Dutt, as well as Excel Entertainment, took to their official social media handles to reveal the first look of the actor. Sharing the look, the makers wrote, "Here’s presenting Adheera from KGF Chapter 2.” Before sharing the Adheera look, the makers shared a build-up poster to pique the audience’s curiosity.
KGF Chapter 1 was basically a Kannada film which was presented in Hindi by the Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani led Excel Entertainment. Apart from Kannada, the Hindi version of the movie also turned out to be a massive money-spinner at the box-office. Now, the audience is waiting for its second instalment with bated breath. Besides Sanjay Dutt, KGF Chapter 2 also stars Kannada Superstar Yash and Srinidhi Shetty who played the lead pair in its predecessor.
Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar's Excel Entertainment will present the Hindi version of the much-awaited gangster drama. The official release date of the film is yet to be locked. An official announcement is expected soon.