In his second inning as an actor, Sanjay Kapoor wants to try everything possible. In 2017, he made his small screen debut with the Vikram Bhatt-produced show Dil Sambhal Jaa Zara. Aired on Star Plus, the series did not garner huge TRPs, but Kapoor did receive overwhelming response for his performance.
In 2018, he ventured into digital medium with Netflix India Original Lust Stories. The series received excellent response from all corners. Continuing his journey with growing digital medium, Kapoor has now signed a new digital series, titled Soggy Hoga Tera Baap.
Bankrolled by leading film and television producer Ekta Kapoor for his streaming media platform ALTBalaji, Soggy Hoga Tera Baap will see Sanjay Kapoor in the role of Chiraag Arora.
“Sanjay will play the role of Chiraag Arora in the series which is named Soggy Hoga Tera Baap,” a source in the know revealed.
Popular TV and Hindi film actor Karan Wahi, who most recently starred in digital series Bar Code, has also been roped in for a pivotal part.
More details are awaited.