While hot and handsome Aditya Roy Kapur has been confirmed as the male lead in filmmaker Mohit Suri's next directorial venture, the makers have yet not spoken a word about the female lead of the untitled film. From Disha Patani to Kriti Sanon, a lot of names have been tossed around in the last couple of weeks, but there has been no official confirmation.
The latest name that is doing the round is of Dangal fame Sanya Malhotra. "Disha was never approached for this role. It was just Kriti, but now that she has signed some other project, the producers have approached Sanya Malhotra for the role,” a source revealed.
The yet-to-be-titled movie is said to be a love triangle between one girl and two boys. As we mentioned above that Aditya has been confirmed as the first male lead, the makers are now busy scouting an actor for the second male lead. Recently, some media outlets reported that Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety fame Sunny Singh has been approached for the role, but nothing is confirmed as yet.
Meanwhile, Sanya Malhotra has just wrapped up the shooting for her second Bollywood film, Badhaai Ho. Helmed by Amit Sharma, the movie features Ayushmann Khurrana in the lead role.
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